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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Better Day

Today was a slightly better day. Lauren's IV needed to be replaced, but she's been doing so well that they just took it out. We are on a mission to feed and hydrate her like nobody's business, or else she may find herself with a new IV soon. But she's had a decent appetite today and has happily eaten fruit, mac and cheese, chocolate ice cream, and french fries. She's finding herself off her bipap more and more, since the emphasis right now is on getting food into her mouth. It's so nice to see those sweet cheeks again, and kiss them all over as God intended!

Kyle finally got his IV today. He was getting dehydrated and wasn't interested in consuming a thing over the past couple days. It seems to be already working--he's a little perkier, and his appetite has returned a little bit. He has eaten two Yoplait yogurts today, which is a lot better than is diet over the last few days.

Both babies may require NG tubes. We're supposed to find out tonight, or maybe tomorrow first thing in the morning, whether or not we've dodged that bullet for another day. The good news is that as of this evening, Lauren has gained back a little of the 1+ pounds she's lost in the last week. We're hoping that will convince the doctors that she's getting back to her old self and will regain those pounds in no time. Kyle, on the other hand, is further behind and not doing as well as Lauren is, so we're sort of expecting that he'll need to have an NG tube sometime. I hate that he might need it, but I also don't want to starve the kid to death, you know?

So long 'til tomorrow.

A happy day.

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