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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My next project. Ahem--I'm talking to YOU, PVUSD.

My pregnancy with the twins was a high-risk pregnancy, and I fought to stay pregnant with them for thirty-six weeks and four days. I did this through enduring 11 weeks of bedrest, managing well my gestational diabetes, giving up general possession of my body (sigh), and taking the medications my doctors told me to take.

My twins' diagnosis of SMA was even tougher, but I fight for them by taking them to the best specialists around, in-state and out-of-state. And I fight for them by adhering to a strict germ-free lifestyle and by subjecting them to daily respiratory treatments and yucky-tasting medicine.

My twins needed expensive respiratory equipment last year--which our insurance company deigned to pay for--but before I could fight hard for that, the manufacturer donated it. All of it. Muchas gracias, Respironics.

My twins deserve power wheelchairs in order to move themselves. Studies show that toddlers are developmentally able to manage powerchairs as early as 18 months of age. We applied for their powerchairs at age 24 months, and I fought for eight months to get Lauren's powerchair. Kyle's paperwork was inexplicably put on hold by our insurance company, so the fight for his chair is just beginning.

My twins qualify for an amazing preschool curriculum offered by our state/school district. I met the staff there and toured the facility on Tuesday. The twins will love it! The adults-to-children ratio is 1:5; the classrooms offer challenging yet developmentally appropriate centers and activities; school bus transportation is included for free--including for wheelchair-bound children; there are physical, speech, and occupational therapists for every classroom. There are even a handful of "typical" children in each classroom to act as models for the rest, and those kids pay handsomely for the education and experience.



This special-needs preschool has two playgrounds, and neither of the playgrounds are wheelchair accessible. Yes, the school built especially for special-needs kids, with a playground designed by their physical therapists, excludes my children from participating in that activity, and by design. The playground, where arguably some of the most important preschool social experiences take place, is off limits to my babies due to their physical limitations. Wha...?

You want a fight? I can give you a fight. Are you familiar with the roar of a mother lion?

I fought for months to bring them into this world. I fight the daily fight to keep them happy and healthy. And--oh yes--I shall fight to get them the accommodations they need to board that playground and play with their friends. Reference this info from the University of Colorado and this useful advice from Kompan, a playground equipment manufacturer.

Paradise Valley Unified School District? Get ready. I am a whole-lotta woman to deal with, and you're about to meet me. You have 6 months.

It. Is. On.


  1. AWESOME, you are a true Warrior Mom!! Go get em!

  2. I am a Mom of a child with CP and the county I work for recently donated park land for the building of a boundless playground built by Kompan. Our local Sunrise Rotary Club raised the funds for the equipment. So, I dont know if this helps, but you may contact a local Rotary Club. Perhaps they'd be willing to take this project on. Wishing you the best!

  3. I would NOT want to get in your way. ;). I think you of all people can win this fight. If I can help any way let me know...
