Chris is on Day 5 of suffering with The Crud. He has been banished to a corner of the upstairs and is only permitted to leave to use the facilities. I bring him his food and drink, and he texts me when he needs something brought up to him. He is feverish, lethargic, congested, sore throat, and naseaous. It is not good.
It is also not good that Jenna appears to be coming down with the same Crud. She is on Day 2 of suffering with something suspicious, we don't know what. So far she's just feverish and tired, so this could be another week of fun for me (I'm so self-centered! Of course we want her to feel better soon, too). I'm telling you, this house is like a $200,000 petri dish these days. I keep the windows and doors open and hope that the breeze, and the grace of God, keeps these Crud germs away from the twins.
The babies are still doing very well. They are entirely healthy. Lauren can say almost all the words to Twinkle Twinkle. Kyle can make sounds that follow the melody of Twinkle Twinkle, but can't say any of the words yet. He has a speech therapy evaluation next Friday, when we expect he'll qualify for speech therapy with Early Intervention. Lauren is right on track, or ahead of the curve, for being 20 months old, but Kyle's lower muscle tone seems to be affecting his speech abilities. We shall see.
Chris is waiting for some follow up phone calls with open positions with two companies. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the phone calls come, and that he is healthy enough to come downstairs and answer his phone when they do!
My carpal tunnel and RMD on my left arm/hand are causing me major distress. The timing of the pain seeme like it coincided with Chris getting sick. It makes me wonder if the fact that he's had to disengage himself from family life which has caused me to personally get no down time possibly also caused me to "over use" my arm. All I know is that OTC pain meds don't help it at all, and it hurts like Hades. But I bet I forget about the pain when the Twilight DVD is released this Saturday. If you buy it at Target, it's a 3-disc set instead of just two discs, plus it comes with a code to download the entire movie from iTunes. Score!
And no more spider sightings at our house. WOOT WOOT!
Otherwise things are great here! If Chris and Jenna could just get better, that would even be more great. Greater? The bestest, for sure.
Oh bless your heart...SOOO hopeful all return to health soon. Hang in there..and you are NOT're human!