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Friday, January 16, 2009

Linda Ashby Nickell, What Will It Take To Get YOU Into a Facebook Account Too-day??

C'mon, Linda. This blog is dedicated just to you. Won't you please join me over on Facebook? You don't even have to post a photo of yourself if you don't want to. You could even post a picture of your cat instead of yourself! Or the Eiffel Tower. Or whatever.

What reasons might you have to join us? So many! On Facebook, you'll find me, Josh Aranyos, Misty (Senior) Larson, CD Arnold, and tons of Thunderbird'ers. There are lots of groups to associate yourself with: Americans In France, Americans In France For Barack Obama (if you lean that way), Americans in Paris, Thunderbird High School, You Grew Up In the 80's in Phoenix if You..., Fans of MetroCenter in the 80's, I Was On Wallace & Ladmo, about 1,000 groups for photographers, about 1,000 groups for cat/dog lovers, and about a million completely random groups. Does "I Don't Care How Comfortable Crocs Are, You Look Like a Dumbass" or " I Secretly Want To Punch Slow Walking People In The Back Of The Head" sound like fun groups to join?? There's even a blogging network.

You can link your Blogspot blog to your Facebook account. You can post photos in their own albums for all to see there--or for nobody to see there, depending on how you set your privacy preferences. You can even be virtually invisible there, allowing nobody to even know you exist on Facebook unless you reach out to them.

Puh-leeze. Cross over to the other side, Linda. There's no reason not to. C'mon, whaddya say? Pretty please?


  1. Money. Lots of money. In Euros please. Or flight miles on Continental. I am this close to Elite Status. Insert evil laugh here
    I may have to pass a polygraph again and I already have the whole living in France thing to disclose.

  2. I win! Neener neener neener! Glad to have you finally on FB, Linda!

  3. a little peer pressure always makes 'em cave ha ha.
