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Sunday, November 22, 2009

What a Walk!

Today was our first ever Walk N Roll to Cure SMA. What a blast! The weather couldn't have been better. There were SO many people, including local SMA people we hadn't had the chance to meet yet. Plus, my parents and our good friends David and Daria came to show their support, so we were in great company all day. We also met some new SMA families who we look forward to getting to know over the next year.

Team Double Trouble raised an astounding $5,440 for the Walk this year--$400 more than our so-high-we'll-never-achieve-it goal. Amazing! A huge thank you to all our generous donors out there. We appreciate every dollar, and the money goes to a great cause.

Jenna and our friend Madi, who is 6 years old with SMA type 2.