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Friday, April 19, 2013

Kyle's Make A Wish - Coming Next Weekend to a Ballpark Near You!

Hello, friends!

Clearly I have been remiss in my obligation of keeping  you up with my family’s goings on over here on ‘Bahamas’.  I wish I had the time to keep up with things here AND keep up with posting things over at EverydayChildhood, but somehow I don’t have time for even real-life obligations and I’m still only getting an average of five hours sleep at night.  I could use a lesson in balancing.  But then the lesson would probably be, like, a webinar and I would prepay for it and put it on my calendar and then be sitting in the Starbucks drive thru waiting on my order of a venti caffeine mainline drip on my way to a rare girlfriend lunch date before I realized that the webinar is half over.

But this post is not about me.  Oh no.

Kyle has waited a year for his Make A Wish.  He has been very patient.  His Wish was “to be a real Dbacks baseball player,” and the Dbacks surprised him this week with the news that his Wish will be granted next week.

For our Phoenix area friends:  Kyle’s Wish will take place over the weekend of April 27-28, 2013 (next weekend).  It will culminate in a Sunday afternoon at Chase Field, when he will spend a bit of time on field and the rest of the time with his family behind home plate (sweet seats!).  I don’t know that he will be invited to participate in any special activities or be publicly acknowledged during this game, but either way you don’t want to miss witnessing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  PLEASE nab a ticket and join us at this game to watch Kyle have his one true Wish granted!

Incidentally, that day is also a Parkinson’s Disease/Muhammad Ali Center fundraiser.  Check out THIS LINK to find discounted tickets for this game (Colorado Rockies @ Dbacks) and help Diamondbacks Charities support the endeavors at St. Joe’s/Barrows/Mohammad Ali Center.  Kyle’s grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson’s years ago, and the timing of their Dbacks fundraiser couldn’t be more perfect!